Getting to Know Bianca Beauchamp
Bianca Beauchamp is incredibly sexy good at pouring herself into an endless array of ridiculously fantastic rubber outfits. Bianca Beauchamp very likely has the best collection of custom-fitted high end rubber couture on the planet. She has graced the covers of Marquis, Skin Two, Bizarre, Heavy Rubber, and an assortment of glamour magazines. One of the many interesting features of Bianca’s Latex Lair site is that she and photographer Martin Perreault meticulously document the sources for the gorgeous clothes Bianca gleams in. Any true rubber fetishist is going to want to know where to get the best shiny gear and there is a lot of useful information on latex designers here. With the extravagance of the Latex Lair shoots she stars in, Bianca Beauchamp might seem to be living a fairytale existence, but she overcame some real obstacles with admirable pluck and determination. Here are some of her thoughts about discovering her love for fetish and standing up for her right to dress and shoot as kinky or erotically as she pleases.
To focus more on latex, I bought my first dress at the age of 18. It was short and sleeveless from Polymorphe, a Montreal-based designer that would eventually become an important associate of mine. I had found the dress in one of Montreal’s many sex shops. When I first saw it my reaction was one of surprise and then fear. I always liked sexy clothes as well as kinky experiences and I was quite open, even at a young age. But, because this fabric was foreign to me and Martin had immediately liked this particular dress, I felt insecure and in uncharted territory. I’m also the type of person that goes beyond her fears so I secretly went back and bought the dress and a pair of black opera gloves a month later. It came up to $400 CND which was a lot for a girl still in school and working at McDonald’s! But it didn’t take me long to like this new fabric. I feel very sexy when I wear latex and I feel that my body is perfect, which is exactly how I felt wearing that dress! It’s funny how we look less tried in a red catsuit!
Apart from the look that latex gives, I also like its smooth texture and also its particular smell, which can is sometimes sweet as well.
It wasn’t too long after the purchase of my first dress that Martin had the idea to create a website dedicated to the love of latex. It was called Fetish Latex Lover and is unfortunately no longer active. And then, since he loved taking photos of me, he had the idea to launch Bianca’s Latex Lair.
While modeling, I started my studies in French Literature at Cegep and then went on to get my certificate in French grammar at university. I then started my teaching degree specialized in French Language teaching for high school students. I knew that one day I would have to stop modeling and dedicate myself to teaching but since I was only a student I didn’t object to doing both at once. I also worked for a couple of years in a MacDonald’s. Yup! I didn’t like working there but my schedule was flexible. I was often tired but I knew that when my studies would end I would be able to rest a bit.
My first internship was at my own high school. Imagine the teachers’ faces when they saw me! I have to say that I had been rude to a few of them… And to say that I now wanted to be one of them! During my second internship, in my second year, one of the teachers “accidentally” found my website; Bianca’s Latex Lair and advised my internship supervisor. I met with my supervisor and he pressured me into closing my site (even though there wasn’t any nudity at the time) until the end of my internship. Once my internship complete, I reopened it. My supervisor then threatened to fail me and brought it up with his superiors. I was summoned to a meeting and had to explain my position. Luckily I had help from Martin and from another university teacher who despised injustices. It’s with this help that I managed to get a passing grade for my internship. But, after this incident, the university submitted its conditions: closing down my site during each one of my internships. I had two left spanning over many months. So I started my 3rd year wondering if I wanted to stop modeling. Being up against a wall made me realize that my passion for modeling was also quite strong. After lots of self reflection and self questioning I chose to pursue my modeling career and left university. It was one of the most difficult choices that I had to do and I don’t regret it.
Lots more at Latex Lair